Cinnamon and Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

I feel like through life we are always finding new things out about ourselves. Like for instance, as a kid I loved clam chowder. Now, I’ve come to realize that I really don’t care for it all that much, and that the only reason I was so crazy about it as a kid is that I thought it was fun to bite into the pieces of clam and have it feel and sound like you were biting into a balloon. I know… I was kind of a weird child, but weren’t we all 😉
Anyways, through this blogging experience I have found that I love taking picture, but not just any picture. I really hate lugging around a camera just to have everyone pose awkwardly for some random photo somewhere. My sister Ashli is the photo opportunity enthusiast, so she takes care of that for me. But, I love to take pictures of movement. Why am I telling you this, you may ask, cause I went just a tad bit overboard. You have been warned!! But I loved all my pouring photos so much that I couldn’t throw them out. This is after all a food blog, and adding ingredients is a big part of the baking/cooking process. Right!?
So I have an excuse for my addictive impulse to always shoot ingredients while I am pouring them, and I completely release full responsibility for my actions to my little split personality french photographer… who exists in my brain. I have lovingly called him Jacque. How a split personality of myself can be male I have no clue, and I also have no idea if Jacque is even a french name, but there you go.

Where was I going with all this?? Oh, yeah. Ok so that is my extremely long disclosure about the many pouring pictures in this post. Moving on from my random thoughts to something actually related to this recipe which is so scrumptious. This bread is awesome! The outside is crisp and grainy from the melted sugar, and the inside is sticky and moist like the inside of a cinnamon roll. This totally satisfied my cinnamon sugar craving and was so easy to make. Enjoy!!
Cinnamon and Sugar Pull-Apart Bread
2 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 tsp. active dry yeast (1 packet)
1/2 tsp. salt
4 Tbsp. butter
1/3 cup whole milk
1/4 cup water
2 eggs (at room temperature)
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
