Pumpkin Milkshake

Sometimes a little decadence is in order, and this Pumpkin Pie Milkshake fits the bill perfectly! My secret ingredient? An entire slice of pumpkin pie, right in my Wolf blender! If you happen to love decadent milkshake like I do, you’ve got to try it. This milkshake is so amazing it ranks right up there with my Double Chocolate Donut Milkshake!
This Pumpkin Pie Milkshake recipe is a keeper! (A great way to WOW family during the holidays!)

Pumpkin Milkshake

One amazing aspect of this show-stopping treat is that it is made with leftovers. You only need a few pieces of pumpkin pie to create this mouthwatering milkshake, and it is a great new way to enjoy that pie!
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This pumpkin milkshake is smooth, creamy, and packed with rich pumpkin flavor. The milkshake comes together in just a few minutes thanks to the perfection of the Wolf Blender. I set it on manual and let it work its magic. The result? A gloriously smooth milkshake that would rival any diner!

How to Make a Pumpkin Milkshake

This recipe is designed to be used for leftover pumpkin pie. The hardest part (that is not hard at all) is to remove the crust of one piece before adding to the blender. The rest is as easy as it sounds… just add ingredients to the blender and let it do the work for you!
My favorite part is the over-the-top garnish. I rimmed the mug with caramel and then added the crust we cut off earlier. I do recommend freezing the glass to let that caramel set, otherwise, the crust will start to slide down the sides of the mug. Have FUN with this part… it’s so freeing to be a bit decadent!
After you have blended everything just pour into your prepared mug. Enjoy right away! And you definitely will enjoy it. ðŸ™‚
Pumpkin Milkshake
  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
  • 1/3 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice, and some for garnish
  • 2 slices baked pumpkin pie cold

See Full Recipe: iambaker
